SAFOMS Council (2021-2023 )

The list of the office bearers and council members is as follows:

The meeting was chaired by Dr Rohana Haththotuwa, the newly elected President SAFOMS for the years 2021-2023. Dr Haththotuwa thanked the immediate past President and council members of SAFOMS for the work done, and for electing him as the new president SAFOMS.

In Person

  1. Dr Rohana Haththotuwa
  2. Dr M D P Goonaratna
  3. Prof Ambuja Choranur
  4. Prof Zinat Ara Nasreen
  5. Dr Jaideep Malhotra
  6. Dr Narendra Malhotra
  7. Dr Hemantha Perera
  8. Dr Mangala Dissanayaka
  9. Prof Piyusha Atapattu
  10. Dr Janakie Karunasinghe
  11. Dr Sanath Akmeemana

Via Zoom

  1. Dr Rohana Haththotuwa
  2. Dr M D P Goonaratna
  3. Prof Ambuja Choranur
  4. Prof Zinat Ara Nasreen
  5. Dr Jaideep Malhotra
  6. Dr Narendra Malhotra
  7. Dr Hemantha Perera
  8. Dr Mangala Dissanayaka
  9. Prof Piyusha Atapattu
  10. Dr Janakie Karunasinghe
  11. Dr Sanath Akmeemana


  1. Dr Meeta Singh
  2. Dr Chanda Srivastav
  3. Dr.Snigda Thulung
  4. Dr.Madhu Tumbahagphe
  5. Dr Madhu Tumbahangphe
  6. Dr. Shobhana Mohandas
  7. Prof Sumbul Sohail

1. Nominated representatives to the council

Dr. Haththotuwa pointed out that in the list of 5 nominees from each National society there
should be nominees who have served more than one term in the council as well as new nominees.

The National society presidents were given an opportunity to revise their lists accordingly if
they wished. President of the Indian Menopause Society revised her list.

Accepted nominees to the council are as follows:


  1. Brig Gen Suraiya Rahman
  2. Prof Rowshan Ara Begum
  3. Prof Zinnat Ara Nasreen
  4. Prof Shahi Farzana Tasnim
  5. Dr Farzana Deeba


  1. Prof, Ambuja Choranur
  2. Dr.Narendra Malhotra
  3. Dr. Maninder Ahuja
  4. Dr. Shobhana Mohandas
  5. Dr. Meeta Singh


  1. Dr Kesang Diki BlIsta
  2. Dr Chanda Srivastav
  3. Dr Neebha Ojha
  4. Dr Snigda Thulung
  5. Dr Madhu Tumbahangphe


  1. Prof Batool Mazhar
  2. Prof Rubina Sohail
  3. Prof Sumbul Sohail
  4. Prof Sara Kazi
  5. Prof Rubina Hussain

Sri Lanka

  1. Dr Hemantha Perera
  2. Dr Mangala Dissanayaka
  3. Prof Piyusha Atapattu
  4. Dr. Janakie Karunasinghe
  5. Dr Sanath Akmeemana

2. Election of office bearers

2.1 President elect: Dr. Hemantha Perera pointed out that it was the turn for Nepal. But it was recapitulated that at yesterday’s council meeting Nepal Menopause Society informed that they were not yet prepared to hold a the next conference and declined it. So it was agreed to offer to Pakistan. Pakistan menopause Society nominated Prof. Batool Mzhar as President elect and was accepted unanimously

2.2 Vice President: Brig Prof Suraiya Rahman’s name was proposed by Dr. Haththotuwa and was accepted without any objection. Dr. Maninder Ahuja reminded that there were 2 posts 3 for Vice president and she went on to elaborate on the work she had done for SAFOMS over the years and her name was proposed to the 2nd post of Vice president and it was
accepted unanimously

2.3 Dr. Hemantha Perera pointed out that the vice president was a post, which groomed a member to take up the presidency later as such vice presidents need to be prepared for that. Other council members agreed to Dr. Hemantha’s view.

2.4 Secretary General: Dr. Meeta Sing’s name was proposed by Dr. Haththotuwa and was accepted unanimously

2.5 Deputy Secretary General: Dr Haththotuwa proposed Prof Piyusha Atapattu’s name and was accepted unanimously

2.6 Treasurer: Prof Zinnat Nasreen’s name proposed by the President was accepted unanimously

2.7 Editor: Dr. Narendra Malhotra’s name was proposed. Dr Jaideep Malhotra speaking said that she was able to bring the journal to a higher level with much effort amidst many difficulties but she said unfortunately the standard had deteriorated during the past few years and faced financial problems, Shortage of articles and poor subscription. She said that therefore we needed a strong person to bring back the journal to the previous level, and she was of the view that Dr, Narendra was capable to do it. Dr. Maninder Ahuja also spoke supporting Dr. Jaideep’s views and proposed Dr. Narendra as editor. Dr. Haththotuwa referring to the SAFOMS constitution stated, that to be an office-bearer except in the first council, a member should have served at least one term as a council member. As such he stated that as Dr Narendra has not served in the council at least one term, though Dr. Narendra was suitable for the post he was not eligible according to the constitution. Though certain members went on to request Dr. Narendra to be the Editor, Dr. Haththotuwa reiterated that we need to follow the constitution as such, and Dr. Narendra could not be appointed. Dr.Haththotuwa, proposed Dr. Hemantha Perera to be Editor. Then Dr. Hemantha inquired whether anyone else would be interested in taking up the post. No one responded. So, Dr. Hemantha Perera was elected as editor unanimously.

3. Committee Chairs

3.1 Education Committee: Dr. Haththotuwa proposed the name of Prof Rubina Sohail to chair the education committee and she was elected unanimously.

3.2 Research Committee: Prof. Ambuja was proposed to research Committee chair by Dr. Haththotuwa and it was accepted by everyone.

3.3 Website Committee: Dr. Haththotuwa mentioned that Bangladesh was maintain the web site and requested Bangladesh Menopause Society to nominate the chair from Bangladesh. Prof Suraiya proposed Dr. Shahi Farzana. Later Prof Zinnat proposed the name of Prof Rowshan Ara Begum as chair and suggested Prof Shahi Farzana Tasnim be the Co. Chair. Everyone agreed to it and was accepted.

3.4 Newsletter: Everyone suggested that newsletter editor to be given to Nepal as Nepal was not having any position and suggested the name of Dr. Kesang Diki Bista. Dr Bista was reluctant at first but after the persuation by everyone she accepted it.

3.5 Dr. Haththotuwa then congratulated everyone who were elected as office bearers and expected everyone’s support and assistance and corporation to carry forward SAFOMS.

Position Name Country Email
President Dr. Rohana Haththotuwa Sri Lanka
Immediate Past President Dr. Jaideep Malhotra India
President Elect Prof Mazhar Batool Pakistan
Vice President Dr. Maninder Ahuja India
Vice President Prof. Brig Gen. Suraiya Rahman Bangladesh
Secretary General Dr. Meeta Singh India
Dep Secretary General Prof. Piyusha Atapattu Sri Lanka
Treasurer Prof . Zinnat Nasreen Bangladesh
Editor in Chief Dr. Hemantha Perera Sri Lanka
Position Name Country Email
Education Prof Rubina Sohail Pakistan
Research Prof Ambuja Choranur India
Website Prof Rowshan Ara Begum Bangladesh
Co-Chair Dr Shaheen Farzana
Editor newsletter Dr.Kesang Diki Bista Nepal
Country Name Email
Bangladesh Prof Shahi Farzana Tasnim
Bangladesh Dr.Farzana Deeba
India Dr.Narendra Malhotra
India Dr.Shobhana Mohandas
Nepal Dr.Chanda Srivastav
Nepal Dr. Neeba Ojha
Nepal Dr. Snigda Thulung
Nepal Dr. Madu Tumbahangphe
Pakistan Prof. Sumbul Sohail
Pakistan Prof Zara Kazi
Sri Lanka Dr. Mangala Dissanyake
Sri Lanka Dr. Janakie Karunasinghe
Sri Lanka Dr. Sanath Akmeemana
Country Name Email
Sri Lanka Dr. M.D.P. Gunaratne
Pakistan Prof Rubina Hussein
Bangladesh Prof. Shahla Khatun

5. Suggestions fer the funetioning of the SAFGMS couneil

The following suggestions were made by the President for the smooth funetioning of the
new couucil, and approved by the ecuncil

5.1  He requested the Committee Chairs to,

  • Appomt members to the Committee
  • Identify Ce Chai Depoty Chair
  • Members to be selected from different countries
  • Develop a plan of action for the next 12-24 months
  • Conduct at least 2-3 activities per year activities could be in the way of workshaps,
    sympesia, research, publications
  • Not more than ane aciivity te be conducted m the home country
  • Qbtain approval from the secretariat and the executive board

5.2 National Seciety representatives were reminded that

  • They were representing ihe National Society and its Members
  • They were the laison body between NS and SAFOMS
  • & requested
  • To keep NS informed about the events in SAFGMS and inform SAFOMS of the events of the NS including the annual congress.
  • Look into the distribution of Newsletters and other information of SAFOMS to the
    members of your Society
  • Ensure payment of the membership fee

5.3 Secretariat- president requested the secretaries

  • Attend to communicatios and other work prompt
  • Minutes to be sent within one month of a meeting
  •  Secretariat should be productive, efficient, with team work

6. & Any Other Business

  • 6.1   It wag suggested that we expedite opening of the bank account se that the member
    countries can send in their annual subscriptions and also other transactions could
    be done
  • 6.2   Prof. Brig Ger. Surarya Rahman requested to send copies of the SAFOMS
    constitution te all member coumiry representatives. Dr M D P Goonaratna asserted
    that copies of the SAFOMS constitution lad been sent before. However it was
    decided to make the SAFGMS constitution available to all member countries again.
  • 6.3    The president emphasized the need for official communication via email. He
    suggested to keep the comraunications via WhatsApp groups for more informal
  • 6.4    It was suggested to conduct more frequent council meetings via zoom.
  • 6.5    Dr. Hemantha Perera proposed to elect a Deputy editor. The editor was given the
    responsibility of appointing a Co- editor
  • 6.5    The President suggested that we consider making amendments to the constitution
    through 9 constitution amendment committe. Then the snzecsted revisions fe be
    confirmed m a special council meeting.

Dr. Rohana Haththotuwa


Prof Piyusha Atapattu

Deputy Secretary General